Massage Therapy

Specialised massage at home

If you are in pain, feeling generally stiff, tight and achy or in need of a bit of a pick-me-up, we can help.

Why should I consider massage?

  • Massage can help relieve pain and stiffness
  • Massage can help make you feel better physically and mentally
  • Massage feels wonderful

Massage used to be considered as a luxury and something that was for relaxation purposes only. This is no longer the case.

There is a growing amount of evidence from scientific research to support the health benefits of massage therapy.

Recent research has shown that massage can help:

  • Decrease pain
  • Reduce muscle tension and tightness
  • Reduce joint stiffness, improve joint mobility
  • Reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Decrease anxiety/depression/tension/stress
  • Reduce disability and improve quality of life

What is massage?

Massage is a hands-on treatment carried out by a professional therapist. It involves the gentle manipulation and movement of muscles and limbs using special techniques to ease tension and reduce pain. Massage can be practised on its own or may be incorporated into a physiotherapy treatment program. It can be effective for reducing the symptoms associated with some health conditions and can be used to reduce pain in the muscles and nervous system.

Massage is suitable for most people; however, it is not recommended for certain medical conditions.  An initial phone consultation will confirm if the treatment is suitable for you. In some cases, we may request approval from your GP before commencing treatment.

Why should I use The Good Therapy Group massage therapists?

We provide therapists that you know you can trust. Our therapists have been chosen by our physiotherapy team for their expert sense of touch, their professionalism and the high level of qualifications that they hold.  

Massage is widely available nowadays, so it can be hard to decide where to go for treatment. Massage is not an exact science and relies heavily on the skill and experience of the therapist. An experienced massage therapist uses his/her sense of touch to identify areas of the body that require attention and the optimal amount of pressure to use for each person. For example, using too much pressure may cause the body to tense up, while using too little may not have enough effect.

Our Worthing massage therapists are true professionals. Treatment will be carefully tailored to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring you get the maximum benefit and enjoyment from your massage.

What happens during the massage session?

Our therapists will visit you in your home environment. This enables you to fully relax and enjoy the session without having to think about going home when the treatment is over.

  • The first visit will involve a short discussion about your past medical history, what you hope to achieve from the massage and which areas you would like your therapist to focus on.
  • Your therapist will then set up the treatment couch in the room of your choice. Alternatively, you can lie on your bed or rest in a chair, if you prefer.
  • Massage therapy is normally performed directly on the skin using a small amount of oil or cream. Towels or blankets will be used to keep you warm and only the area that your therapist is currently working on will be uncovered. If you prefer, your therapist can also work through clothing.
  • Your therapist will use a variety of different techniques to gently work the muscles and soft tissues, often finding areas of tension that you may not even have been aware of. They will gently work on these to help you feel more supple and free as well as concentrating on the areas that you have specifically highlighted.
  • During the massage your therapist will be regularly checking that you feel comfortable with the techniques and pressure used and will adapt them accordingly.
  • At the end of the session, you will be encouraged to rest and relax to truly enjoy the wonderful after effects of this amazing therapy.
Call us to discuss how we can help.